Step 1: Gain Experience
According to the BLS, any type of athletic coach or instructor is required to have an immense amount of hands-on experience and knowledge about their sport of choice. Tennis instructors have usually played tennis for many years, often at the competitive level. They must be extremely familiar with all of the rules and regulations of the sport and be able to clearly communicate this information to their players.
Success Tip:
Consider earning a bachelor’s degree. A bachelor’s degree is often a prerequisite for instructors looking to teach tennis at the high school or college level. The degree could be in education, physical education, or some other type of fitness or physiology major.
Step 2: Work as an Assistant
One of the best ways to learn how to become a tennis instructor is by assisting a professional tennis instructor or coach. By doing this, you will gain experience with the techniques and training involved in a typical tennis lesson or practice. Working as an assistant also offers the chance to begin working with players and learning how to communicate with them.
Step 3: Earn Certification
While certification is not usually a requirement to become a tennis instructor, some private clubs and organizations will prefer to hire certified professionals. The two major certifying associations in the United States are the Professional Tennis Registry and the United States Professional Tennis Association. After training for the certification exam and passing the test, you can become members of these organizations and enjoy benefits such as liability insurance and continuing education opportunities.
source: study.com